Serenity Equine Insurance Agency
PO Box 1140
Palm City Fl 34991
Michele Riley Licensed Agent
Call today for a free quote
Equine Mortality
A full mortality policy provides coverage for death as a result of an injury, illness, or humane destruction, and includes loss or death as a result of theft.
Coverage territory includes the continental USA and Canada.
Premiums are based on the horse's breed, age, and use.
Even with the best of care, accidents do happen and illness or disease may strike our horses. Should death result from an unfortunate incident, horse mortality insurance, the life insurance on your horse, will enable you to recoup your financial loss.
Multiple horse and barn discounts available
Cost: The cost to insure for Full Mortality depends on the risk – the age of the horse, breed and how the horse is used. For example, the rate applied to new born foals will be higher than the rate on a mature horse. The rates on hunters or jumpers are usually higher than on horses that are not used over fences. Overage rates generally apply after age 14. Minimum policy premiums apply.

Major Medical
Offering a full range of options and stackable coverage, Major Medical policies will cover vet expenses that arise from accident, illness or disease. Coverages are not available as a stand alone policy, but are designed to be added to Mortality coverage.
****New This Year****
A great choice for the budget-conscious horse owner to cover colic, illness, and acute injury. This coverage is available for horses 30 days through age 20, regardless of insured value and has a $375 deductible. “Cat Med” is not intended to cover the lameness diagnostics and treatment that is included in the Major Medical coverage.
Medical Coverage options
$7500/$10,000/$15,000 Limits
Loss of Use
Named Perils
Stallion Infertility
Out of Country Transportation
Third party Liability
Equine Catastrophic Accident and Illness
Free Emergency Colic Surgery coverage is included on all AEIG full Mortality policies. Annual limit $3k or 60% of insured value
All Policies issued are eligable for payment plans. A downpayment is required and monthly installments can be set up from your debit/credit card.
All forms of payment are accepted!
Full Loss of Use - Coverage for if the insured horse suffers an illness or injury, and as a result becomes totally and permanently unfit for its insured use. Pays up to 50% of the limit of liability.
Named Perils - Available to horses of any age over 24 hours, this coverage is for death as a result of specific named causes such as fire and lightning, and includes coverage for theft.
Territorial Limits Including Transit - Mortality coverages may be extended to include coverage while transporting to, from, and while staying in other approved countries.
External Injury Loss of Use - Coverage for if the insured horse becomes totally and permanently unfit for its insured use as a result of a visible, external, accidental and violent means injury. Pays up to 50% of the limit of liability.
Stallion Infertility for A, S, & D - Coverage in the event a proven stallion becomes permanently incapable of settling mares in foal as a result of an accident, sickness, or disease. Pays up to 100% of the limit of liability.
Third Party Liability - provides coverage in the event the insured horse causes bodily injury or property damage to a third party.
From Olympic contender to the cherrished backyard pony, we have a coverage that will work for you

From the back yard pet to the Olympic contenter and all of the horses in between, we have the coverage you require for your loved investment.
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